Alcohol Abuse Symptoms

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Getting Though Acute WithdrawalThumbnail
Creating a Loving Environment Thumbnail
An Addict's Brain is a Changed Brain Thumbnail
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Paying for Treatment Thumbnail
Opioid and Alcohol Withdrawal Thumbnail
Relapse Prevention Part 1 Thumbnail
Relapse Prevention Part 2 Thumbnail


Problem gambling resources

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

National Institute on Drug Abuse

National Statistics on Teenage Alcohol and Drug Use

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information

National Directory of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Treatment and Prevention Programs Facility Locator

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous

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Alcohol Abuse Symptoms

Twenty Questions About Alcohol Abuse

How to do a motivational interview
In the first interview, you begin to motivate persons to see the truth about their problem. Questions about alcohol and other drug use are most appropriately asked as a part of the history of personal habits, such as use of tobacco products and caffeine ingestion. Questions should be asked candidly and in a non-judgmental manner to avoid defensiveness. Remember, this is person-centered interviewing, not professional-centered, and the interview should incorporate the following elements (Prochaska, 2003; Delbanco, 1992; Graham. & Fleming, (1998): Miller & Rollnick, 1991; Ockene, Quirk, Goldberg, Kristeller, Donnelly, Kalan et al., 1998; Rollnick, Heather, Gold & Hall, 1992):

Questions to ask an ADULT
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has developed the following low-risk drinking guidelines:

At sometime during the first interview, certain questions need to be asked to assess alcohol problems. They have to be answered honestly to give you a clear picture of the extent of the drinking. Most persons who have alcohol problems will be evasive or deny their alcohol abuse, so the questions should be asked of the person, as well as a reliable family member.
The following questions and flags are taken from the American Society of Addiction Medicine (
1. Have you ever tried to cut down on your drinking?
2. Have you ever felt annoyed when someone talked to you about your drinking?
3. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
4. Have you ever had a drink in the morning to settle yourself down?
5. Has alcohol or drugs ever caused you family problems?
6. Has a physician ever told you to cut down on or quit use of alcohol?
7. When drinking/using drugs, have you ever had a memory loss (blackout)?
If persons answer yes to any one of these questions that’s a red flag for alcoholism. If they answer yes to two questions, that’s probable alcoholism. Make sure you don’t just ask the person. Ask family members, friends and anyone else who can give you collateral information.

History/Behavioral Observation Red Flags for Adult Alcohol Abuse

Laboratory Red Flags for Adult Alcohol/Drug Abuse

History/Behavioral Observation Red Flags for Adolescent Alcohol Abuse